Looking back at the conference Social Europe ? Problems and Perspectives

Looking back at the conference Social Europe ? Problems and Perspectives


The international scientific conference Social Europe – Problems and Perspectives took place on 27 November 2009 in the Congress centre of the Czech National bank attracting an extraordinary number of participants. The conference was held on the occasion of the announcement of the results of Professor František Vencovsky’s Prize competition for young researchers up to 35 years of age, the aim of which is to strengthen and support the scientific and research activity of the school in the long run and above all to support young talented researchers.

The reasons why the main prize was not awarded this year were explained in a report given by a member of the nomination committee, Mr Jan Frait of the CNB. He also introduced the work of Kateřina Pavloková, who gained the most points, and therefore was awarded the Special prize worth CZK 50,000.

In the opening part the participants were addressed by the ČNB Governor, Zdeněk Tůma, under whose auspices the conference was held. Apart from the domestic experts, including such figures as the Minister of Finance Eduard Janota, Jiří Rusnok (president of ING PF) and Jaroslav Vostatek (head of KRPMVS, VŠFS), the conference was addressed by a British economist and expert on public finance, Nicholas Barr of the London School of Economics. In a similar way as Jiří Rusnok, he discussed the importance and the principles of pension system reforms focusing on selected countries. Professor Vostatek gave an interesting lecture on the development trends in social security focusing mainly on Europe and the Czech Republic.

The afternoon programme was devoted to a panel discussion with the best Czech experts on public finance, demographics, pension systems, social security, insurance and economic analysis.
The panel called Social Security, Population Ageing and Sustainability of Public Finance welcomed Jiří Král – head director at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic, Drahomíra Vašková – head of the European Union department at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, Vladimír Bezděk – general manager of AEGON PF, David Marek – chief economist with Patria Finance, Jitka Rychtaříková – head of the demographics and geodemographics department, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Pavel Dvořák – professor at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) and a CESTA (Centre for Economic Studies and Analyses) researcher at the University of Finance and Administration (VŠFS), and Ladislav Průša – the director of the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs and a CESTA researcher at the University of Finance and Administration (VŠFS). The discussion was moderated by Bojka Hamerníková, the Vice Rector for Research and Development from the University of Finance and Administration (VŠFS). The final summary showed signs of regret over the fact that in effect the political decisions on public finance represent hard-fought-for consensuses of the political parties in power which unfortunately move away from the expert analyses, forecasts and recommendations.


Photos of the event
photos by Daniel Hamerník, DiS.

Kongresové centrum ČNB Eduard Janota Nicholas Barr Nicholas Barr Nicholas Barr Kongresové centrum ČNB Kongresové centrum ČNB Nicholas Barr, Eduard Janota, Bojka Hamerníková Jaroslav Daňhel, Eduard Janota Kongresové centrum ČNB Zdeněk Tůma Jiří Rusnok Jiří Král Jaroslav Vostatek Jan Frait

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