Security and Law Studies

programme:  Security and Law Studies
area of education:Security disciplines
faculty:Faculty of Law and Administration
Prague: full-time, part-time
Most: full-time, part-time
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The field of study Security and Law Studies, part of the study programme of the same name Security and Law Studies, is designed as a law and security study programme, providing a wide range of knowledge and expertise, especially in the field of security studies, law, criminalistics, and forensic sciences.

The graduates will gain systematic knowledge of relevant legal procedures, principles and rules of the national, European and international laws, their interrelationships and the mechanism of their application. In harmony with the expected standards, the students get acquainted with the current legislation of respective legal branches with emphasis on criminal law and acquire comprehensive knowledge of the theory and fundamentals of criminalistics, forensic disciplines and security issues, as well as the study of crime, i.e. criminology. In addition to that, the students will acquire the necessary knowledge of psychological and sociological contexts of criminology (values, standards, social deviation and pathology), the causes and professional approaches to detecting corruption, and the perspectives on the prevention of these phenomena. Simultaneously, the acquired knowledge from economic disciplines enables its concurrent application in solving and influencing specific security events in business, public administration, etc. Apart from the prime mastery of criminal law, the graduates also acquire essential knowledge of criminology and criminalistics necessary to determine effective strategies for the protection of public order, property and law enforcement. Subsequently, the graduates possess the corresponding command of theory and methodology of combating negative social phenomena.

Profile subjects

  • Security Studies 1, 2
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Corporate and Economic Crime
  • Criminalistic Documentation
  • Criminalistic Methods/Techniques
  • Protection of People, Property, Information and Intellectual Property
  • Public Administration Organization
  • Administrative and Constitutional Justice
  • Theory of Law
  • Criminal Law 1, 2
  • Constitutional Law and Theory of State
  • Introduction to Criminalistics and Natural Scientific Fundamentals
  • Selected problems of criminology
  • Sociology Fundamentals and Social Science Research

Career opportunities

The graduates in the bachelor study field of Security and Law Studies will be prepared to act as a security specialist at the management level in various organizations and institutions (e.g. as a Security Director, Detective and Security Services Director). The graduates will thus have a wide range of professional employment opportunities, especially if we take into consideration the expected developments of the security situation in society.

The study is intended for the preparation of highly qualified professionals at both theoretical and practical levels and enable them to hold responsible job positions in state administration, public administration, and in the private sector. The aim is to provide a professional bachelor’s education mainly in law and security specialization and to prepare experts for specific security specialists’ jobs. The graduates in the study field of the Security and Law Studies will be able to effectively perform activities in the position of a security law specialist at the level of at least middle management in any organization or institution.

Study plans

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