Successful start of your study - Preparation courses for new students

Successful start of your study - Preparation courses for new students


Are you concerned about the requirements and obligations resulting from your college studies? Are you enrolled in a Master´s Study Programme and still worried if you can cope with the demands? Our new offer can help you overcome your fears. It is the right time to apply for preparation courses that will assist you in a successful launch of your study.


New students of the Bachelor´s Study Programme can benefit from courses that aim to revise the secondary school curriculum and to enhance their knowledge to the required level.  Following courses are included – English for applicants, Mathematics I. and Mathematics II.


Naturally, we have not forgotten students who come from other universities and apply for our Master´s Study Programme.  You can especially benefit from the Harmonization course of Economy (this year in Russian too!), English for applicants and the Business and Academic English preparation course.


Detailed information and application forms for students of the Bachelor´s Study Programme are available at:

Information related to the Master´s Study Programme courses is available at:


We wish you a successful start in a new environment and great success in your college studies!